
Showing posts from 2025

brrly babbles about going to college and finals

HEY GUYS i haven't posted a blog post in a week but i am here to update you all with my life because i feel like my friends don't really share the same interest in whatever topic i want to talk about most of the time so to get out my words, i shall write them in this blog post!! anyways, the title does not implicate what you think it does. i am not going to college. i am literally a highschool sophomore. BUT i really want to go to college. i want to have freedom over my schedule instead of going to school for 7 hours a day. im grateful for my education but at the same time, i wish school was more interesting and that i learned...more??? i don't know i'm not trying to be cocky or anything cus some of the topics that i learn in ap chem are kinda hard to understand (for me at least), as well as math and sometimes comp sci. IDK i guess i'm just impatient and wish we could get to the hard stuff when we're going at this pace so i can build a strong foundation BEFORE i...

brrly babbles about her chem test (score reveal...)

hey guys so erm i cried today so that says a little something before i get into what my score is but anyway when i got my test back i got 4 more points (last time i got a 21/29, this time i got a 25/29) than i did last time on the mcq but the thing is........two of the questions that i got wrong this time, i got them right last time. the test retake was the exact same as the first test we took so i literally got the same question right the first time i took the test and then got it wrong LIKE HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN and like if i had gotten those two right i would have gotten a 93% on the mcq!!!!!!!!!!  i started crying when i got back to my seat and a couple of my friends were around me so they saw and it was embarrassing and it wasn't like dramatic ass crying i was just upset that i had messed up like that and i was so close to an A without extra credit. overall i got a 29/34 (w/o extra credit, with extra credit i got a 32/34) which isn't a bad score but i would have gotten ...

brrly babbles journal entry #4 (trig and stress LOL!!!)

hello guys i had a bad day today and i need to study for a math quiz but i literally physically cannot do anything right now because i just want to go to sleep and never wake up again but i need to remember some formulas because i kind of forgot them over winter break so im writing this blog post to motivate me and also to write down the formulas double angles: sin:  1. 2sincos cos: 1. 2cos^2 - 1 2. 1 - 2sin^2 3. cos^2 - sin^2 tan: 1. 2tan/1 - tan^2 half angles: sin: 1. + or - sqrt(1+cos/2) cos: 1. + or - sqrt(1-cos/2) tan: 1. + or - sqrt(1+cos/1-cos) 2. 1+cos/sin 3. sin/1-cos okay thats enough of trig cus i just wrote down the formulas from memory and repeated the ones i got wrong and i think ive got it so thats all for trig anyways i am so stressed guys its so bad im so irritable at everything and anything and it makes me feel like a bad person for wanting to lash out on everything and anything including the people i love and i cant focus on what i want to focus on aka school and...

brrly babbles about the chem test that she's taking tomorrow

guys i am incredibly stressed i can literally feel the pimples on my face forming right this second. and its not just cus of stress its also cus i touched my face a lot today and i cant stop touching my face its a bad habit but whatever the only thing im focused on right now is that test and im so stressed im so so so stressed.  i feel prepared and ready but you never know whats going to hit you on a test and i feel like i dont know what i dont know and what if the thing i dont know is gonna be on the test because i didnt know that i didnt know it in the FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!! the dunning kruger effect is present everywhere bro i cant escape. ever since we learned about it in english ive recognized it everywhere but anyways im writing this blog post to let out my stress and focus on getting some sleep.  today is the last day of winter break and i couldnt be more depressed. i just want to stay home and work on my own projects and learn at my own pace because school is so boring an...

brrly babbles journal entry #3

hey guys! im kinda sad because winter break is coming to an end and i feel like i wasted it all. i dont know but i feel like i shouldve accomplished more over the break. i know it was a break for a reason and therefore i should have enjoyed my time off of work and school but everything feels like a chore to me and like i cant enjoy myself. i feel like im doing everything for college. for example, math olympiad! i love math in general but math olympiad turns math into something that reminds me im not good at anything and that im just a mediocre highschool kid who is a nobody compared to those geniuses. but then again those geniuses worked hard to get to where theyre at but no matter how hard i work i feel like its never enough and i dont feel like my hard work ever amounts to anything so i just dont work hard. i dont even know guys I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE  lets talk about the things that i did do over winter break to reflect and to make myself feel better because this blog post is ge...