brrly babbles about math notebooks and metal

hi everyone!! its currently 1:11 am and i should probably be sleeping cus i need to fix my sleep schedule for school but it's whatever. i've been doing math practically all day and i also played a little bit of video games but wow guys it took me so long to do the review sheet for my final cus i forgot practically everything. it's not like i can't solve the problems i just take a little longer to do them cus i haven't been doing some of these problems for a while. it's okay tho i did like 50 problems today. 

i didn't really study any chemistry which makes me a little sad since my final is on wednesday and i really want an A on it to prove to myself that i am in fact not stupid. i think i know how i need to study for chem now tho cus i've been writing my review stuff on my whiteboard for chem and it really helps me connect all the concepts together when i see it on a whiteboard together. like my notes are helpful but the information from each set of notes is separated from each other and therefore i don't really connect the concepts together but writing it on a whiteboard is really helpful. 

i've also been doing my math review in this muji notebook i got last summer in vietnam and WOW. i love doing math on paper and i think i'm going to be doing the rest of my math homework this year in my muji notebook. its size a4 and you can take out sheets of paper which is great because i like having that much freedom. i've been wanting this notebook since like 5th grade because i love being able to rearrange papers and refilling notebooks because it feels like a waste to buy an entirely new one but i have to buy paper refills anyway but it's lowkey cheaper but OH WHATEVER idk i just like it better than an average notebook. i can also use different types of paper inside it like i have lined paper and graph paper so i can use it for multiple subjects!

also i found my old alg 2 trig notebook and flipping through it is like flipping through my old journal. there's so many topics i forgot i even learnt about and it's like revisiting my old memories. like it's really just math but there's memories and songs that are associated with the problems i would do in my math notebook. i made some friends in my old math class and while doing my homework i always listened to music so that's probably why. i also just really like math and i loved writing in my math notebook because i like to look at how complicated it all looks together when i'm done and UGH i love math i'm very glad it exists because it's one of my main sources of entertainment and i'm not sure what i'd do without it. it's honestly like a best friend to me too because when i'm sad and i'm doing math it helps me calm down. that sounds nerdy but i get to focus on something else other than the thing that's making me sad and i also listen to music when i do math and it's like the best thing ever. i love doing math while listening to music.

speaking of music i've been listening to more metal for some reason. like rnb just got really boring to me because i've been listening to so much of it for the past year and i've decided to change it up a bit! i've only really been listening to this one band on repeat tho. their band is called fleshwater and i think my favorite song by them right now is either this, if anything or what was really said (what the f#%! was said). those songs aren't like REALLY metal but more like shoegaze. their other songs are more like metal tho i think. please don't yell at me metal fans i don't exactly know all of the subgenres. i also like linda claire, kiss the ladder, and closet. let me listen to some more of their songs and i'll get back to you right now. 

i also remember really liking i don't wanna be me by type o negative. it was one of my favorite metal songs back then. guess i gotta add it to my playlist now!! also i feel like nobody i talk to really listens to metal other than one person. they don't go to my school though so i don't talk to them often but they're awesome sauce. i wonder if they'll ever stumble across this post LOL

let me listen out some more songs i like and ill add a couple of comments to some when i want to:

  • risk by deftones. i think it's my favorite from deftones honestly IDK something abt it just sounds so nice to me like it's just catchy i guess. i really like the guitar riff the way it goes back and forth and the palm muting it's so nice to listen to
  • my own summer (shove it) by deftones like everyone likes this song tho but i like the riff a lot so i had to mention it :3
  • is it really you by loathe. this was my first taste to loathe and i'm so glad i found their band because they make such good songs.
  • two-way mirror by loathe. i think this is my favorite by them! it's not really like METAL metal but it's still metal i think?
  • sad cartoon by loathe
  • screaming by loathe. i think my favorite after two-way mirror
  • without a whisper by invent animate oh my GOSHHHH this is possibly my favorite metal song of all time bro i don't know what drugs this band put into this song but it's so catchy and good and there's this specific part where the singer goes like "YOU'RE FADING FROM ME YOUUUU" AND IT'S SO GOOOODDDDDD oh my gosh oh my gosh i hope to find someone else who listens to metal and loves this song as much as i do. i had to link the song so you guys could get a taste for yourself. little jumpscare warning at the beginning but it's really good if you're into metal and stuff
  • custer by slipknot...guys this was like one of my first introductions to metal and let's say it was a wild first ride into metal. like i had NEVER listened to anything so aggressive until i listened to this song and this sort of aggressive rhythm and voice started to just....become more familiar IDK i forgot the word guys please. it influenced me?? it became more normalized? I DON'T REMEMBER THE WORD OR SAYING im gonna come back and change this blog post i genuinely can't think right now. it's like something a movie character says to another when they've become more inclined to hang out with them. like what an emotionless hard-shelled boy would say to the nice outgoing girl he fell in love with. "you ___ me" SOMETHIGN IDK wait is it i got used to it???? WELL IT MEANS SOMETHING LIKE THAT i swear it's a diff phrase when someone says it to another person okay whatever i don't care anymore.
    • hi guys im back. i think what i meant was "you've washed off on me" or something like that. i lowkey think i'm just tweaking out cus i can't think of any other saying. oh well!
okay that's enough of metal i'm just listening to some of my old songs now because they're absolute fire and now that it's been a while since i've listened to them they're even MORE fire

okay bye bye everyone i don't feel like writing more lol goodnight its 1:52 am now
