welcome to brrly babbles!!!

hi!! welcome to brrly babbles where brrly babbles about whatever she wants to babble about. i still cant believe i came up with such a smart name like i talk a lot a lot and the only way to describe the way i talk is with the word babble and brrly + babbles and its letter-b and letter-b and its AWESOME anyways i started this blog back in 2020 and it was abt zodiac signs but we will not talk abt that blog post because i don't want to 😆 i also have a few posts from 2022 but i am rebirthing! i am going through metamorphosis! not really but i decided to start posting on my blog again and to redesign the format of my blog becus the old format was KINDA UGLY!!!! things that i will babble about: - everything anyways here's an image i made for my blog that i was going to use for the background but it doesn't work so instead i made an entire blog post to display my awesome editing skills IM ACTUALLY SO PROUD THOUGH please applaud me i tried very hard i know i know im so awesome!! ...