brrly babbles about music
i usually write these blog posts at night when my mind is running aroudnt he most but currently im really bored and i have nothing else to do and i think this will help me think properly because yea! im gonna be talking about how AMAZING THIS OSNG IS I DONT UNDERSTAND A SINGLE WORD IT SAYS EXCCEPT FOR LIKE EM OR HWATEVER BUT ITS SO GOOD I CANNOT EXPRESS MY LOVE FOR THIS SONG ITS AMAZING I ASBOLTUELY LOVE THIS SONG i hope one day im in the car and i put my spotify on and it plays this song so my mom can understand it too and then we can vibe to it together because of how GOOD IT IS forgot to add the link here BUT ITS SO GOOD AND I READ THE ENLGIHS LYRICS HERE WAIT ILL COPY AND PASTE THEM Verse 1 I like to stand under the shimmering sky with sunshine My beauty doesn't make many people fall in love Uhhhh because I'm not a fragile bouquet of epiphyllum flower I love watching clouds in the pure sky No...