brrly babbles about math competitions (& more)
hello guys and welcome back to brrly babbles!!! i haven't posted in a really long time like its been over a year or so but im back and better than ever!! anyways today i wanna talk about math competitions and stuff related to that topic because im not just gonna blab about math competitions and NOT give you guys my thoughts and feelings about them 😐 amc 10 and worrying (lots of it) since im entering highschool and have to actually take my academics seriously now (and becus there's freshmen who are taking ap calc bc. i hate you smartie pants btw 🤣), i plan on taking the amc 10 (american math competition for 10th and below). so pretty much the amc 10 is the first step in qualifying for the imo (international math olympiad). ill just write down the steps to qualify for the imo. -> amc 10 or 12. 12 is for 12th math and below, 10 is for 10th math and below but its easier to qualify thru the amc 12 so ill take that too in the future! to qualify for the next stage, you have to b...